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It’s Humpday Time For More #SchiffForBrains Trump Russia Collusion BS

May 10 2019

It’s Humpday Time For More #SchiffForBrains Trump Russia Collusion BS
It's Humpday Time For More #SchiffForBrains Trump Russia Collusion BS
It’s Humpday Time For More #SchiffForBrains Trump Russia Collusion BS

Coming off a whirlwind two weeks where we heard Adam Schiff (D-CA) tell us:
 The FISA Memo will expose the FBI methods and sources.
 Releasing the Memo will expose FBI field agents to danger.
 The release of the Memo will force neighbors from ratting out Muhammad who doesn’t have a lawn but bought 50 bags of fertilizer because they can’t trust the FBI
 A 2013 tape of #Schiffhead On Putin run propaganda RT Television talking FISA court, The publics right to know and more transparency.
 Seeing #FullofSchiff Doing exactly what he accused Donald Trump Jr. of doing. Desperately trying to get a dirt on President Trump from 2 Russians who turned out were playing a phone prank on
 #ChickenSchiff explains how the Russians was promoting our 2nd amendment on Facebook because they wanted to just sit back and watch us shoot each other so they will have an easier time when they invade America.
 Having #PieceOfSchiff create some #CrockOfSchiff 10-page counter FISA memo and when the President refused to release it, #SchiffAss feigning shock that Trump would do such a thing. But even CNN could not defend his fraud memo telling him “NoSchiffSherlock how could Trump release it after you loaded it up with classified info?
 It’s Humpday and that calls for a brand new Adam Schiff Trump/Russian Collusion Delusion.
 At a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor on Wednesday, #Schiffty got so excited that his eyes bugged out a little, after a reporter asked “Is there any “non-public” evidence of Trump-Russia collusion?”
 The knowledge of answering this guys question and NOT actually having to produce the evidence, almost made him #LoseHisSchiff.
 ‘Sure…sure…Plenty of non-public info that could, maybe, possibly, look like it could support Obstruction or Collusion.
 But the moment you knew it was all BS was when $SchiffForBrains said “while some may see it as evidence, some may not.” WHAT? For a year and half these Delusional Democrats see Russian collusion if they caught Trump using Russian Dressing on his salad. Now, it’s all in the eye of the beholder?
 For Adam Schiff to already start backtracking, without actually having taken a step forward, tells you everything you need to know about the quality of his “Non-public Evidence”.
 But Adam Schiff did throw us a bone with his BIG… BIG… REALLY BIG… Latest Breaking new phrase of the day.
 That’s right boys and girls after a year and half of nothing, Adam Schiff now claims they really haven’t had time to really take a good hard look into “Money Laundering.”
 Schiff went on about him being a top-notch prosecutor, and after 18-months, 3,000 news conferences, God only knows how many tweets and sound bites. Adam Schiff finally came up with the brilliant strategy of “SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!” Wait… Wait, that’s not right. Oh yea “FOLLOW THE MONEY”
 So for the next two weeks expect to hear this new #LoadOfSchiff “Money Laundering” catchphrase. It’ll be around until #SchiffStain realizes “Hey #NoOneGivesASchiff about his “Money Laundering” BS.

.@RepAdamSchiff on #Russia investigation: “Yes, there is non-public information that I think is relevant on these issues. That if I were giving you a complete picture I would include.”

Watch full @csmonitor breakfast here: https://t.co/gORSE4pjnb pic.twitter.com/jZ1wo07Jbx
 — CSPAN (@cspan) February 14, 2018

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